The Millennium Development Goal 7 (MDG7) Target 10 is to halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015. Almost 1.9 billion people gained access to improved sanitation facilities from 1990 to 2011, despite progress, 2.5 billion in developing countries still lack access to improved sanitation facilities. To accelerate progress it is important to understand current challenges. In the summer of 2013 a research in exploring challenges in WaSH was initiated and executed by Cordaid Urban Matters. This research was set up to examine current projects involved in water, sanitation and hygiene and find common challenges.
A question list was developed to highlight strengths and weaknesses and evaluate the success of WaSH projects. In the development of this question list several frameworks, planning programs and other tools were used, these include FIETS, triple-S, Sustainability check from UNICEF, the sustainability charter, TAF, The Vienna charter, and sanitation21. The PPA of NETSSAF was discover at a later stage in the research and has not been included in discussion and forming of criteria. The figure below shows important words in all these examined documents, the size of the displayed words is proportional to presence in the text.
Please find the full report here.